The 1st thing I noticed was how juicy the pork looked:
I took a photo of a mini menu that I kept. The pork appears to be very juicy and it was! I did not bring my camera to the restaurant so have a look at these photos.
The 2nd thing I noticed what that the menu had no English at all. Thus, I had to refer to the photos in the menu and my friends to describe what the options were.
The 3rd thing I noticed was my friends trying to explain the differences between the different pork options. They explained it as some have no oil and others more oil. I believe the explanation was lean versus fat meat. I think in the end the group all ordered the lean meat with white carrot. I did not have my camera and did not get the English translation of the menu item so I do not have much else to share.
The 4th thing I saw was a bowl of sesame seeds and a grinder. Apparently, one can grind their sesame seeds to make a powder like dressing for the rice or other dishes. Very interesting...make your own seasoning.
The last thing I found out was that many people in Taiwan want to learn English. Since I want to learn Chinese I think I will try to come up with a win-win training class where we can all benefit. Now, need time to prepare the English lessons!
Restaurant: 勝博殿(さぼてん)炸豬排/Shèngbódiàn zhàzhūpái
Address (地址):
No. 9, Songshou Rd., 6th floor, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi (新光三越) Xinyi New Life Square A9, Xinyi District, Taipei City
Telephone (地址): (02) 2725-5829
URL (網址): n/a
Operation Hours (營業時間): n/a
Business card:
Thanks for lunch guys & gal!
1 comment:
I just ate there, you're right, it's fantastic!
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